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¿Qué es lo que hace que un reloj sea de tipo Roskopf?
Cómo decía no recuerdo quién hablando de no se qué: lo sé hasta que me lo preguntan.
Cuando soy interpelado, balbuceo y me pierdo en vaguedades, así que he buscado en la red, ¿dónde si no, y he encontrado respuestas diversas. Escojo la de Ulrich Brestcher en su obra sobre el reloj Roskopf fácilmente accesible en inglés.
Creo que a estas cinco características, la mayoría añadiríamos, al menos inicialmente, la puesta en hora directamente sobre las agujas.
Bretscher nombra también la caja de alpaca, pero creo que la mayoría la pasaría hoy por alto.
Features of a genuine Roskopf watch
a) The Application of keyless winding. (Cuerda por la corona)
In the 1860s it was very unusual to design a watch wound by a crown. Roskopfs crown winding system was invented by Jean Adrien Philippe in 1842, though there were some earlier prototypes without sucess. Not untill 1880, the majority of all watches were sold key-wound. Certainly, the rifled winding ball seems to be a Roskopf design. The very first crown-wound watches (ca. 1850) had flat, knurled winding discs. By the way, the latest key wound watch in my collection is dated 1903!
b) Suppression of the center wheel and direct gearing of the barrel with the third pinion. (Supresión de la rueda de centro)
Thus a very large barrel could be used, passing beyond the center of the pillar plate, re- sulting in a greater motive force.Then the following wheels are: Third wheel, seconds wheel, escape wheel, and finally the lever and the balance
c) An "unbreakable" free mainspring. (Muelle real deslizable irrompible)
The most frequent reason to visit a watchmaker up to 1960 was a broken mainspring. An alternative solution was the free mainspring, or "Philippe-mainspring", invented by Adrien Philippe. (Philippe later became a partner in Patek-Philippe Co, - still a famous brand to- day). Though this was not a Roskopf patent, Roskopf generally used this patented main- spring and paid royalties to Philippe.
The Philippe patent employs a short, sturdy piece of spring, hooked as an appendix to the main spring, covering about 4/5th of the barrels circumference. When the mainspring is wound too tightly, then the appendix-spring is dragged along the inner barrel wall and so safeguarding the mainspring. The drag-spring is equipped with a hook to connect with the mainspring and a spur on the opposite side for arresting in the five notches, distributed around the inside of the barrel rim.
When a Roskopf watch is excessively wound, the drag spring hooked to the end of the mainspring slides along the inside wall of the barrel with a peculiar clicking sound, caused by the spur at the end of the drag spring, snapping into the grooves inside the barrel wall.
d) The application of an exchangeable platform escapement unit,(Plataforma de escape intercambiable)
which facilitated the production and maintenance of the watch and made this part easily replaceable. One of the patent claims is, that this arrangement allows the use of any kind of lever and especially a cylinder escapement, too, which Roskopf had favoured at first. This exchangeable escapement unit contains the escape wheel, lever and balance.
e) The employment of the pin pallet escapement, (escape de 'paletas')
conceived by the French watchmaker Louis Perron1)of Besancon in 1798. Jules Grossman of the Le Locle school of horology had recommended this escapement to Roskopf.
The two steel pin pallets were made tapered and staked into a lever. To overcome any defect of planting and depthing of the escape wheel and pallet, the pillar plate is split and arranged for screw adjustment. The tendency of the oil to run off the pins is corrected by having the pin pallets bank to the rim of the escape wheel. The oil collects in the corners ofthe notches between the escape wheel teeth, and the pins get an oil bath on each banking.
He intentado traducirlo, pero mis conocimientos de relojería son insuficientes. Como el caballero del que hablaba, creo saber lo que dice hasta que intento decirlo.
De las características citadas, ¿cuántas mantenían los Roskopf de principios del siglo pasado? Unas se habían perdido y otras eran tan comunes que hoy da risa nombrarlas: puesta en hora sobre las agujas: ya lo suprimió el fundador; cuerda por la corona... ¿por dónde si no? Salvo que seas inglés, claro. Muelle real deslizable: los nuevos materiales lo transformaron pronto en una antigualla. Caja de alpaca, no siga que me parto.
A principios del siglo XX, del viejo Roskopf nos queda algo que no está en los manuales: una cierta arquitectura, un diseño, un reconocible aire de familia; y desde un punto de vista técnico, el escape de clavijas y el puente de volante y el escape formando un conjunto separable del resto. Poco más.
Como siempre, los aciertos, si los hay, son mérito de aquellos a quienes copio; de los errores, que los hay, soy yo el único responsable. Bueno, y el calor, que no ayuda.
Cómo decía no recuerdo quién hablando de no se qué: lo sé hasta que me lo preguntan.
Cuando soy interpelado, balbuceo y me pierdo en vaguedades, así que he buscado en la red, ¿dónde si no, y he encontrado respuestas diversas. Escojo la de Ulrich Brestcher en su obra sobre el reloj Roskopf fácilmente accesible en inglés.
Creo que a estas cinco características, la mayoría añadiríamos, al menos inicialmente, la puesta en hora directamente sobre las agujas.
Bretscher nombra también la caja de alpaca, pero creo que la mayoría la pasaría hoy por alto.
Features of a genuine Roskopf watch
a) The Application of keyless winding. (Cuerda por la corona)
In the 1860s it was very unusual to design a watch wound by a crown. Roskopfs crown winding system was invented by Jean Adrien Philippe in 1842, though there were some earlier prototypes without sucess. Not untill 1880, the majority of all watches were sold key-wound. Certainly, the rifled winding ball seems to be a Roskopf design. The very first crown-wound watches (ca. 1850) had flat, knurled winding discs. By the way, the latest key wound watch in my collection is dated 1903!
b) Suppression of the center wheel and direct gearing of the barrel with the third pinion. (Supresión de la rueda de centro)
Thus a very large barrel could be used, passing beyond the center of the pillar plate, re- sulting in a greater motive force.Then the following wheels are: Third wheel, seconds wheel, escape wheel, and finally the lever and the balance
c) An "unbreakable" free mainspring. (Muelle real deslizable irrompible)
The most frequent reason to visit a watchmaker up to 1960 was a broken mainspring. An alternative solution was the free mainspring, or "Philippe-mainspring", invented by Adrien Philippe. (Philippe later became a partner in Patek-Philippe Co, - still a famous brand to- day). Though this was not a Roskopf patent, Roskopf generally used this patented main- spring and paid royalties to Philippe.
The Philippe patent employs a short, sturdy piece of spring, hooked as an appendix to the main spring, covering about 4/5th of the barrels circumference. When the mainspring is wound too tightly, then the appendix-spring is dragged along the inner barrel wall and so safeguarding the mainspring. The drag-spring is equipped with a hook to connect with the mainspring and a spur on the opposite side for arresting in the five notches, distributed around the inside of the barrel rim.
When a Roskopf watch is excessively wound, the drag spring hooked to the end of the mainspring slides along the inside wall of the barrel with a peculiar clicking sound, caused by the spur at the end of the drag spring, snapping into the grooves inside the barrel wall.
d) The application of an exchangeable platform escapement unit,(Plataforma de escape intercambiable)
which facilitated the production and maintenance of the watch and made this part easily replaceable. One of the patent claims is, that this arrangement allows the use of any kind of lever and especially a cylinder escapement, too, which Roskopf had favoured at first. This exchangeable escapement unit contains the escape wheel, lever and balance.
e) The employment of the pin pallet escapement, (escape de 'paletas')
conceived by the French watchmaker Louis Perron1)of Besancon in 1798. Jules Grossman of the Le Locle school of horology had recommended this escapement to Roskopf.
The two steel pin pallets were made tapered and staked into a lever. To overcome any defect of planting and depthing of the escape wheel and pallet, the pillar plate is split and arranged for screw adjustment. The tendency of the oil to run off the pins is corrected by having the pin pallets bank to the rim of the escape wheel. The oil collects in the corners ofthe notches between the escape wheel teeth, and the pins get an oil bath on each banking.
He intentado traducirlo, pero mis conocimientos de relojería son insuficientes. Como el caballero del que hablaba, creo saber lo que dice hasta que intento decirlo.
De las características citadas, ¿cuántas mantenían los Roskopf de principios del siglo pasado? Unas se habían perdido y otras eran tan comunes que hoy da risa nombrarlas: puesta en hora sobre las agujas: ya lo suprimió el fundador; cuerda por la corona... ¿por dónde si no? Salvo que seas inglés, claro. Muelle real deslizable: los nuevos materiales lo transformaron pronto en una antigualla. Caja de alpaca, no siga que me parto.
A principios del siglo XX, del viejo Roskopf nos queda algo que no está en los manuales: una cierta arquitectura, un diseño, un reconocible aire de familia; y desde un punto de vista técnico, el escape de clavijas y el puente de volante y el escape formando un conjunto separable del resto. Poco más.
Como siempre, los aciertos, si los hay, son mérito de aquellos a quienes copio; de los errores, que los hay, soy yo el único responsable. Bueno, y el calor, que no ayuda.
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