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RE SE II used

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Forer@ Senior
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The RE SE II "Baikonur" is awesome. I love the markings for the 12:09 spacewalk and the caseback as well. I asked the same thing in the RE SE I thread, should accept the fact that I will never own one and/or I will never see one come up for sale? I'm new to RE so I don't know, but can you recall anyone ever selling one in the past?
Welcome fergfour !, do Welcome Fergfour!...not despair, it's not the first time that any of the RE SE goes on sale, it's a matter of patience, luck and ... speed!
I assume it's a rare occurrence with so few manufactured but I suppose ANY watch comes up for sale eventually. I assumed I'd never see the WUS Slava Amphibian (250 made) either but I was lucky enough to catch one of those recently. I'll post it in the regular Russian forum when it arrives.
It is not uncommon for so few to be made, since they are special orders to the factory itself. Limited editions and numbered. Luck!
Maybe one day ....
Yes, maybe one day you will contact me lol :)
It's my lucky day, payment just made for #140. Seriously, this is my last Vostok purchase for a while (unless the Scylla or RE I pops up)

5ac56a4d7a4cdd060768099a7776c10c.webp IMG_20190117_131013.webp
Congratulations, mate !, everything ends up appearing !. Enjoy it!
I realize how lucky I am, it's a beautiful limited Vostok. Great caseback, nice hands, the red 12min 9sec spacewalk time, the bezel/gmt hand color. It shows that a group of people can design a really special unique project watch that is reasonably priced. I'm impressed with all the RE project watches and hope I can be part of the next one!
Última edición:
Surely you can contribute your bit for the design of the next R.E. SE.:yes: . I would not be surprised if in a few months someone launches the idea of ​​the fourth project.
I leave you a picture of my three R.E ...:yhoo::

Última edición:
I have the II and III in the mail. The I on the other hand, who knows. Could be a very long time before someone gets bored with it and decides to sell.
Última edición:
I have the II and III in the mail. The I on the other hand, who knows. Could be a very long time before someone gets bored with it and decides to sell.

Big, big congrats!

Great score indeed!
[QUOTE = BRUICHLADICH; 6024726] Big, big congrats!

Great score indeed! [/ QUOTE]

Indeed is right! All I can do now is look at the tracking numbers every day and keep my fingers crossed that there are no delivery issues.
[QUOTE = BRUICHLADICH; 6024726] Big, big congrats!

Great score indeed! [/ QUOTE]

Indeed is right! All I can do now is look at the tracking numbers every day and keep my fingers crossed that there are no delivery issues.

The story of my life...:laughing1:

Fingers crossed here!
My Baikonur arrived today. Awesome!!!!

thumbnail_IMG_2580.webp thumbnail_IMG_2578.webp
Última edición:
Big belated congtrats!!! It looks awesome indeed!:clap:
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