• El foro de relojes de habla hispana con más tráfico de la Red, donde un reloj es algo más que un objeto que da la hora. Relojes Especiales es el punto de referencia para hablar de relojes de todas las marcas, desde Rolex hasta Seiko, alta relojería, relojes de pulsera y de bolsillo, relojería gruesa y vintages, pero también de estilográficas. Además, disponemos de un foro de compraventa donde podrás encontrar el reloj que buscas al mejor precio. Para poder participar tendrás que registrarte.

    IMPORTANTE: Asegúrate de que tu dirección de email no está en la lista Robinson (no publi), porque si lo está no podremos validar tu alta.

Hola de Portugal!

  • Iniciador del hilo Iniciador del hilo PauloRenato13
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Sin verificar
Hola de Portugal!

I´ve been reading for a while this forum, found it accidentally when searching for my late passion, a Seiko premier, which I bought from a member/seller of this forum. Then the next step, decided to register but postponing my presentation, always de time factor as excuse.
About me... well, I love watches, mechanical mostly. This love for watches started when I was six years old. My grandmother gave me a watch, mechanical, which I hated at that time. What a despicable taste, offering a grown man watch to a youngster. Quartz with lights, alarms and chronos was the fashion, and I wanted to be in fashion
:D. Still have it, and I love it, afterwards a wise gift.:ok:: What else can I add to my presentation?... I´m from Santo Tirso, a small town near Porto, a hard worker, as a teacher in professional schools, and starting to develop watch dependency.

Why English? As a Spanish writer I’m a disaster, and Portuguese could be complicated to understand, so decided for a "large-scale" use language. Sorry, in the meantime I’ll try to improve my Spanish.


Welcome to this forum, I hope language won´t be a problem for us. Come in and enjoy yourself.
Bembido, karallo.

Muchas gracias! ;-)
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