En un artículo que leí sobre el reloj, explican que querían mostrar el muelle de compresión, que sella más el reloj a más profundidad, a pesar de medir solo 300 microns. Dicen que es la primera vez que se hace algo así, y que, además, el fondo es igual que resistente que acero o titanio.
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En inglés dicen:
When asked why the C65 Super Compressor featured an exhibition caseback, France said, “We wanted to do something never done before, to allow people to see the compression spring that allows the compressor action. Even though the spring is only 300 microns thick – roughly four times the thickness of a human hair – those with good eyesight (or if you’re like me, a loupe) can see the spring sitting within the compressor ring. I think that’s pretty cool.” Further to disarm purists, he adds, “As you know, with the exacting standards of our modern case manufacture, a sapphire crystal back plate offers the same water resistance as a steel or titanium one.”