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Omega militar "vintage": necesito opinion

  • Iniciador del hilo Iniciador del hilo mandrake
  • Fecha de inicio Fecha de inicio
Hilo cerrado


Master of Fridays
Sin verificar
Despues de mis reciente experiencias con mi Omega heredado de mi padre, he visto esto anunciado, que curiosamente cumple con 2 de mis aficiones, la relojeria vintage (hobby bastante reciente, tengo que admitir) y cualquier cosa relacionado con la 2ª GM (esto ya mas arraigado). Este es el reloj en cuestion y la descripcion del vendedor. Pide por el 430€ inc envio (eso si, por transferencia):



mas fotos:



No he pùesto el link directamente porque soy novato por aqui y no se si se puede. En cualquier caso he pedido me lo reserve hasta el viernes, y no me importaria que me dierais vuestros comentarios antes de decidirme. Por lo que he podido ver por ahi, este tipo suelen estar mas bien sobre los 600-800€, pero tampoco he encontrado uno exactamente igual particularmente con los numeros con ese tipo de letra.

Estoy en vuestras manos.

Gracias y un saludo
No es militar. Ni el dial ni las agujas (ni la caja pulida) se corresponden con ningún modelo Omega suministrado oficialmente al ejército británico durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (como el broadarrow en el dial quiere hacer suponer).

ESTO es lo que buscas (Zaf Basha, de confianza. Algo más caro, pero es auténtico, y su reputación es impecable ;-) )


Gracias Jesus, era lo que necesitaba, alguien que supiera del tema y me orientara. Pero me pregunto, que significa enonces la flecha ("broadarrow"?) debajo del simbolo de Omega, es un "añadido" a posteriori o efectivamente tiene alguna relacion militar, aunque no directamente con pilotos en la "2ªGM?

Gracias y saludos
Explicación del broadarrow:

"Broad Arrow n. The pheon (a bearing representing the head of a Broad Arrow or javelin, with long barbs which are engrailed on the inner edge) was, like the modern mace, carried before royalty by a sergeant-at-arms. It became a royal mark, and was used in Great Britain to denote crown property, being termed the "Broad R,"or "Broad Arrow." One could suppose that the Broad Arrow is one of the oldest "trademarks" still in use for its original purpose. The Broad Arrow was chosen as the logo for the Military Watch Resource due to it's long standing use as the official mark designating British Government issued property."


Lamentablemente, ese lo han pintao con una brochita y un poco de pintura blanca ;-)
Gracias Jesus, parece que me has librado de una ca*ada!

Te debo una!!
Echale un vistazo a esto ;-)

"It was with the RAF that issue service wrist watches formally surfaced for me. Presumably, too many of those pocket-size Watches, 30-hour, non-luminous Mark V, mentioned earlier, had been used up in service. At any rate, in February l941 Wrist Watches, Mk VIIA and VIIB were listed for aircraft navigators. Both were Longines instruments.

There was an Omega version of the Mk VIIA RAF wrist watch, and another by Movado, both of these types had a 36-hour keyless movement and Mk VIIA watches had the Longines Weems 'Hour-Angle' rotatable bezel. When not fitted with that bezel, those watches were designated Mk VIIA*.

The Mark VIIB RAF wrist watch instead had Longines's 'half-chronograph work', which is to say that its running centre-second hand could be returned to the 12 o'clock position by button in the case-band, and released to time some event of less than sixty seconds duration.

By October 1941 another 36-hour wrist watch had become an RAF store as the Chronograph Wrist Watch, ... for use by Medical Officers on the ground and for any other purpose for which a chronographic watch of this type is suitable. This was a 13"' Pierce calibre with subsidiary seconds and 60-minute and telemeter and tachometer dials.

In May 1942 another RAF aircraft navigation wrist instrument was in issue as the Wrist Watch Mk VIII, Navigators, namely an American 1942 model Waltham watch (US 6/0 size) with centre seconds but lacking other Mark VII refinements. A 1940-dated watch-case, once held a Mark VIIA watch, but the case-back Stores Reference has been amended to that for a Mark VIII instrument. I have also seen that Stores Reference on the case-back of an American Bulova Type A11 wrist watch originally engraved for the USAAF, and, since wrist watches additional to the Waltham were to be enumerated as Mark VIII when they became available, I am reasonably confident that the 10 1/2" A. Schild SA Caliber 1238 movement now in the case, is correct.

As World War 2 progressed, of course, Swiss resources became more readily available to the UK and some very beautiful Iinternational Watch Co. and similar wrist watches were issued to navigators by the RAF during and after 1944. However, the General Index only listed these collectively as Watches, Wrist and Watches Wrist, chronograph."

Gracias Jesus, muy interesante. Si que he visto ya algunos de esos IWC que mencionan en ebay, muy bonitos.

Por cierto que los "pata negra" deberian llevar grabados en la tapa trasera "W.W.W.", no?
No exactamente. W.W.W. es Watch, Wristlet, Waterproof y es una denominación para relojes destinados al ejército de tierra (Royal Army). Si buscas relojes de piloto las inscripciones que te interesan son 6B/159 (RAF) o HS9 (más discutido, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm)
Acabo de encontrar esto, una buena guia para estos casos (parece):

Muy buen link ;-)

También te pueden interesar los A.T.P., anteriores a los W.W.W.


Bueno, despues de todo ya tengo un Hamilton Khaki de Pearl Harbor...bueno, de la edicion especial de la pelicula, eso cuneta como "military", no?;-)

Creo que seguire mirando, y sobre todo aprendiendo de los maestros....

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